Thursday, April 7, 2011

An Obama Story

A friend sent me this story about President Obama and Michelle Obama. You may have or have not heard this story. If you did it's still the type of story that you can repeat over and over again, and people will still love and chuckle over it a bit. I mean, how could you not?

I'm not sure where he found the actual story, but it was copied verbatim:

One night President Obama and his wife Michelle decided to do something out of routine and go for a casual dinner at a restaurant that wasn't too luxurious.  

When they were seated, the owner of the restaurant asked the president's secret service if he could please speak to the First Lady in private. They obliged and Michelle had a conversation with the owner.

Following her conversation President Obama asked Michelle, "why was he so interested in talking to you?" She
said that in her teenage years, he had been madly in love with her.

President Obama then said, "so, if you had married him, you would now be the owner of this lovely restaurant," to which Michelle responded, "no, if I had married him, he would now be President of the United States."

Wasn't that witty? At first I thought Michelle was going to react by saying something like, "No, Sir! If I had married him, we'd own this city! Silly Goose."

Or maybe, that's me who would really say that?

Not sure.
Regardless, I love how Michelle basically let him know that he wouldn't be President without the help of her fabulous self. So, you better recognize, bloop!

Cute story!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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