Friday, February 4, 2011

Smelling Good Makes Me Optimistic

This belief is partly due to the fact that this week 'should' go down in the books as an epic fail, but hasn't broken my spirits completely....surprisingly. Instead this week is so so. And I smell good!

Why so optimistic?

For Christmas my friend gave me a gift box filled with a leopard snuggie, a flower pin made from a Budweiser bottle (because he knows the art school hipster within me would love it), and samples from a perfume collection called Bond No. 9 New York. He enclosed a note that said to choose the scent I liked the best...but let me tell you, my ass was so damn happy to receive a gift. I completely forgot about the note!

When I failed to tell him which scent I liked the best. He sent me a variety from the Mini Bon Bon Box from the Bond No. 9 New York website. Isn't this lovely? It was hard to open everything, because the gift wrap and eau de parfums were too perfect and pretty looking to unwrap! With my gift set came a 'Nyc Map' that lists the fragrances and provides a map of the five boroughs that pinpoint the location each au de parfum was named after in New York City. The eau de parfums in my set include: Astor Place (overdosing like whoa), Chinatown, Brooklyn, Nuits de Noho, New Harlem, Coney Island, So New York, Bond No. 9's Hamptons, and Eau de New York. Each scent has a delicious and sophisticated fragrance that looks like a an individually wrapped candy in a chocolate box too. I love them!!!

Funny thing is...I finished using the samples a month ago, but it's not me, to call him up and say, "Hey, G. I ran out of those samples you sent...can you give me some more?"

How ungrateful would I be?


If I learned anything throughout life...sometimes your friends can make it hard for you to hate, even when you feel that split second, you have the desire to stick a 'Fuck You' sticker on a forehead. But for every time I want to brand foreheads with stickers, he reminds me that people like him exist. This messes me up, royally!

But hey, least I can take a shit week in strides, smile, and smell good at the same time.

A couple of nice qualities about G. He is hilarious. Smart. Kind. A good listener. Charming. Tough as shit. Patient. A talker. Loyal. A sharp businessman. Thoughtful. Extremely intuitive. And to this day, still one of my best friends.

G, can we jog down Kelly Drive in the Spring? Get coffee from Wawa then ride the train? Then walk around in Nyc for the day like we use to? Or go to the bar and drink too much saki until another pretty waitress you flirt with steals your money again? What about getting a mani or pedi together while I listen to you talk about why male nail technicians are not allowed to touch yours hands or feet? I miss you and your metrosexual self!

My theory is that for the five not so great encounters we have with people, there will be one good person who will remind you of others like them. They may appear to you in the form of a stranger, colleague, ex, family member, or friend...and the minute you are ready to throw in the towel, they will appear.

Right on time!

Thank you! For cheering me up, making me smile, and laugh at myself! You wouldn't believe how much it means to me at times.

Je t'aime! Merci encore du parfum!

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