Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sorry Wrong Number

A couple of weeks ago I typed that in a text message to a random guy from the club.

You don't have to tell me what a bitch move this was...I already know. I feel like crap about it. I shouldn't have given him my number in the first place. Really I know!

But I had one too many Rum Punches. I was feeling friendlier than normal...and then he told me he was from my hometown. Big ups to Hartford! What can I say? I get excited about meeting people in the DMV (District of Columbia-Maryland-Virginia) area from my hometown. So. I did what any woman in my condition would do.

I gave him my number!

The problem with giving strangers your number?

You have no idea who they are! It could be a cool ass dude...or a shy timid guy...or a stalker who will not stop calling you.

My friend at the club turned out to be a stalker.

I considered calling him too but then it dawned on me....I have zero interest in getting to know anyone new. It's nothing personal. I am over the dating thing and the chore of trying to connect with people...especially when I never have enough time to spend with friends. Then him blowing up my phone like it was 'life or death' didn't help the situation.


I ignored his calls. Only he didn't get the hint like most guys do...instead he called every other week followed up by a voice message. He did this for over three months.

Then he sent me a text that said: "Hey! Happy 4th of July! Hope all is well. Although I was hoping to see you again a few weeks back and back before the last back week and before the last back. Lol. Just dropping by to say hi!"

I mean, huh?

Then I'm thinking to myself, this guy has me confused with someone else because he met me three months ago at the club....NOT a few weeks ago! Or a week before that...and a week before that...and after that!

Who says things like that anyway?

You're basically telling me that you KNOW you're being a pain in my ass by calling and texting me without any response...nothing from me. Oh, and you find this shit amusing!

What is even more mind boggling? When I respond to the insanity and say, "Who is this? Sorry wrong number," because I'm irked out by the message.

He responds saying, "This is Derrick. We met at a spot in Dc a couple months ago. R u from Ct?

I respond again by saying, "No. Largo."

He responds AGAIN and says, "Ok. She gave me the wrong number. She told me she was a teacher. Moved from Ct to Md. Anyway if it is not u still have a safe holiday."

Okay! He clearly knew it was me, because he said 'if it is not u still have a safe holiday.'

This is what I don't understand about men.

Why do they have to call so many times? And why couldn't he let it go? When I said wrong number. Why even respond to a female pretending not to know you? One that took three months to respond to your text message? Why would a woman who did that to you be worth knowing?

It makes me angry that he was so nice about it!

He should have responded by saying, 'You, shady ass women aren't shit! You know who I am! I left you numerous voice messages!'

That is how a normal man reacts to rejection. But then again, nothing is normal about calling a stranger for three months straight.


If I were an ex-girlfriend or wife that he wanted to get back with? That would make more sense. But a stranger that he spoke to for less than 20 minutes in a loud bar?

That's just weird.

The moral of the story?

Stop giving your number out to random guys in the club! Take their number and call it a day. Or you will find yourself doing ignorant things in the end to get rid of them.

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