Thursday, July 28, 2011

What It Means to Be Called a Ninja!


It doesn't mean you look like this cute little ninja animation either.

I only added it because it's adorable and I have a problem downloading too many cute images. That and for the simple fact that I like adding images to my posts now. It makes me feel like Perez Hilton, hehe!

So, what does it mean when you hear black folks calling each other this? It basically means the PG-13 version of the 'N' word.  Same amount of letters too...N****.

I don't use the 'N' word ever, because I don't like using derogatory terms to describe my ethnic group or any other group. The word has come out of my mouth before, but only when reiterating what I hear someone else say.

I never use it against anyone...actually, maybe twice or thrice. But then felt awkward that the word came out of my mouth afterwards.

Why do some black people use it when other black people do not? They probably didn't grow up in a  predominantly white community like I did. The type of environment that  used the 'N' word against you as a child or young adult to make you feel inferior.

It appears as though the black people who do use the 'N' word grew up in predominantly black neighborhoods. Places where the term was not only used in a derogatory way against them, but instead as a term of endearment to show affection for one another.

And now?

Here comes the word ninja!

I have no idea when it came to fruition? But I am happy it did, because I do prefer it over the 'N' word. Even if it does mean the same thing, it feels less harmful and aggressive, and actually sort of funny.

In my opinion it is equivalent to saying 'biotch' instead of the original word: bitch....which by the way I have no qualms saying aloud.

I doubt people will ever stop saying the 'N' word because it is so deeply embedded within us and our culture. But I do think that a substitute word like ninja would be a better alternative because it is contagious, and could cause more black people to say it instead of the 'N' word. And...for no reason other than the fact that it's catchy...and the correlation made between a ninja and black person is pretty clever.

Is the word ninja so unoffensive that non-blacks can use it too? No, of course not.

It's offensive for a non-black to use it because it's a blanketed derogatory term. Sort of like how the words: nappy, kinky, ashy should never be used to describe black people by non-blacks.

It is still all the same with ninja too.

This post was only created to enlighten those on the use of this word. I will not encourage or discourage the use of it. Just state my opinion, and point out the alternative and meaning, since I'm on a roll with providing definitions today.

Good day.

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