Monday, February 14, 2011

Bleeding Nipples?

A former classmate of mine from middle school just posted up a picture of himself at the gym with his nipples bleeding through his shirt on Facebook.

[I do know posting this is wrong, but wow...just wow!]

I mean, seriously.

What the hell is going on here?

Looking at his picture makes my nipples tingle and sting!

Our nipples have to be one of the most sensitive parts of our bodies! I mean. Can you imagine?

Apparently, when you run longer than 45 minutes. It can cause chaffing of your nipples which leads to bleeding.


I am sorry. But I have definitely gone running for over an hour on more than one occassion, and not once did my Itty Bitties start to sting, chaff, or bleed.

They may have felt sore but that's about it.

Just saying!

Shit looks painful.

And it makes me wonder. What type of shirts are these folks with bleeding nipples wearing? How do they run too? Gallop. Run on paths like a mad gorilla? What type of boobage and nipple situation do they have too? Do they not moisturize their nips with Jergens like the rest of their body? And if you know your nips have the habit of chaffing and flaking why not lube those bad boys up?

Man! I learn something new every day.

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