Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Legionellosis in The Playboy Mansion

The Playboy Mansion has always been one of my desired locations to visit. Just for the fun!


Not so sure.

My parents dropped me and my siblings off at my grandmother's house one summer to visit The Playboy Mansion. My father boasted often over the 'creative' photos he took of my mother with various playboy well as some random ass shots of women with fuzzy bunny tails on their bottoms. His fascination with taking pictures of womens' asses was about as bizarre as my high school friend's father who collected a bathroom full of ceramic breasts in the form of mugs, plates, and plastic figurines.

When me and my high school friend got snappy with each other, she would say to me, "Well, at least my dad doesn't take ass shots of women at the beach and pool." My reaction to this was, "Yeah, well at least mine doesn't like to stare at boobies when he goes to the bathroom. What do you think your dad's doing in there for so long?" Only high school kids can say things of this nature, only to shrug them off minutes later and go sledding.

Viewing their pictures was like looking into something fun and wild going on in the 80s. They were young and in love having a blast, despite having three young children at home. They make me desperately want to go there and be a part of the fun too!

I have to find some of their pictures and post them up. I mean. Looking at photos and imagining the kinky shit my parents did is exactly what I need in my bland life.

I may be bland forever now too, because making a trip there doesn't sound like such a good idea to me anymore.

Over 80 people came down with Legionnaire's disease (which makes me think it's related Paris Hilton because she is an heiress) after attending an after party at Hugh Hefner's Playboy mansion. There are claims that the disease was omitted from a fog machine because the disease lives in warm water and the people at the party were breathing this fog into their lungs all evening.

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Legionnaires' disease is caused by a bacteria called Legionellosis. It's a form of pneumonia that causes a high fever, chills, and a cough.

When 80 of the unluckiest people left this party, they all experienced fevers and problems breathing. But Playboy's mouthpiece is denying that the fog machine was the cause,  because others were in the fog and did not get sick from it.


So what?

Just because everyone who attended the party didn't start gasping for air and swine flu'ing it up in their beds does not mean this fog machine is not a possibility. Our immunity to viruses can vary. I don't see how anyone can conclude an investigation in one go either.

Not buying it.

Sounds like Playboy is trying to cover their asses because they smell 80...possibly more than 80 lawsuits flying fast their way.

And if it wasn't the fog machine spreading Legionnaire, it was probably the food or drinks served that evening. I do believe that it is worse, no? So. Why not be quiet and wait for the investigation to be completed thoroughly?

I would think that if anyone would catch a virus there, they would really be catching it from taking a dip in that heated indoor cave. Can you imagine the bacteria reproduced inside of that grotto? I would not be surprised if new strains of STDs were created in that thing.

Either way, people will think about the time The Playboy Mansion broke out in that nasty disease...and think twice about eating the food....if they don't refuse to go there in fear of catching a disease, not related to sexual relations.

Just saying.

*update: the viral infection is now being called Pontiac Fever and 170 people are said to be affected with it.

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