There's a new cookie on the block that just replaced the Samaos. Which happens to be the most popular Girl Scout cookie on the market today.
They are called Keebler Fudge Shoppe Coconut Dreams! They taste identical to the Girl Scout Cookie Samoas. So identical, they have the exact same nutrition facts on the back. Total Fat: 8 grams of fat per two cookies. So you know, they didn't skim on any of the good stuff put into the Samoas!

This means that we no longer have to wait for Girl Scout cookie season to roll around to buy these delicious coconut cookies anymore. Or buy the Edy's Girl Scout Samoas Special Edition ice cream to get your cookie fix. And let me tell you something about eating that ice cream. It was just like digging for gold nuggets! I would literally dig through the entire bucket of ice cream searching for these tiny pieces of Samoas that were so small and pointless, I wanted to put them in a ziplock bag and feed them to small animals in the park.
So anyway.
You can now find them at your local grocery store for a mere $3.89, no more digging for gold.
I already inhaled half a bag in one sitting too.
So, be careful!
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