Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Type A Personality: Egotist

This is what I learned today.

The hard way.

Type A Personalities are some of the craziest individuals on this earth. If you suspect anyone you are growing close to of having a Type A Personality, do yourself a favor and run as fast as you can the other way.


I am starting to believe that fast is an acronym and what it really means is:

F - uck
A - ssholes
S - hit
T - ime to go!

I found a bit of information on Type A Personalities, so everyone can identify the signs and run fast before it is too late.

When individuals are faced with feelings of frustration or insecurity, they may become depressed. Or they may transform themselves into a Type A Personality. This transition into a Type A Personality is a conscientious effort to deal with their insecurities rather than ignore them. The worse case, they are both depressed and have a Type A personality. They are known for being perfectionist and control freaks who need to maintain a level of perfection that does not exist. They need timelines and schedules to maintain order. They possess low self-esteem that makes them over strive and compete with others. Or even worse, they tend to overcompensate in a way that forces them to swing to polar opposites to cope. They often alienate themselves when confronted with conflict with others. They may deny emotion or not know they have any emotion at all. They tend to have high stress levels. They can engage in episodes in which they launch an attack on themselves or others because of insecurities or lack of control. They can appear rigid or tense, uncomfortable, or expressionless. They tend to be bat-shit crazy because of something traumatic from childhood. They are most comfortable when surrounded by chaos and drama. And last, they must receive attention, regardless of it being positive or negative for their own selfish needs.

[Okay, everything up to the bat-shit crazy part is true. But I do know two Type As that possess the additional traits I mentioned.]

Unfortunately, I had the pleasure of dealing directly with one for seventeen years and the other for six months. I wish it was zero months and years, but sometimes in life there's just no way of avoiding these people. I will take full responsibility in my engagement with one of them though. I should have never involved myself with anyone with a dark cloud above them and a laundry list of problems. And, I should not have assumed anything about them to be a fact, unless I asked.

When I spoke to a friend yesterday about a Type A that he dated for several months. What I realized from our conversation; although these Type As are impossible human beings, they will be fine. As long as one Type A can find another Type A to build a union filled with calendars and Zoloft pills, it is possible for them to coexist peacefully.

There has to be someone for everyone in this world. I firmly believe this.

My advice to you, especially if you are laid-back, easy going, and a happy person. Do yourself a favor and stay away from these people! They will do you no good, and you will never understand them. And mainly, because they are crazy. Also keep in mind, you are not a doctor and you didn't attend medical school to understand them (my sister told me this last line and she's right).


Remember, say no to Type A Personalities! If you are a Type A Personality, God bless you!

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