Thursday, November 18, 2010

Channeling Run DMC

Does anyone watch Run's House on Mtv anymore?

For those of you who haven't heard of it. It 'was' a pretty popular reality television show about two years ago. It followed the life of Run Dmc, his wife and kids, and his brother Russell Simmons.

Not sure why the show irked me, but it did. The youngest son Iggy or Diggy was always crying about something; displaying tell-tale signs of a spoiled brat. I believe he was 10 years old at the time. He was the most annoying of the bunch.

Then there was the oldest son who's name I can't remember. When he talked it sounded like, he had marbles in his mouth. He was the one trying to pursue a rap career. Sad part is that the youngest son Diggy was the one who landed the rap contract. Apparently, he raps pretty well for a young kid.

Then there were Run's daughters, Angela and Vanessa. They were actually my favorites in the show. Those two were always all over the damn place though, and grabbed most of the attention on the show. So, it was no surprise that they landed their own reality show. Only, nobody watched. Every episode they sat on their couch screaming at each other over nothing of real substance.

The mother's story line in the show was based upon her desire to have a baby. She did become pregnant, but sadly lost the baby at birth. Then adopted a baby girl towards the last season of Run's House, I think.

And then there was Run! He really killed me the most. He made a lot of animal sounds when he got upset or excited. It was just weird. Shortly after, he had the nerve to yell at his kids about acting responsibly and right! He was constantly a walking contradiction. But, whatever.

The icing on the cake for me: Run's reflection time. Every morning he would sit in his bath tub with his blackberry. Typing the trials and tribulations from the previous day, haha! I mean. Who does something like that?

Oh, wait.


[Lowers head in shame]

Here I am, talking mess. But not just anywhere! In the damn sauna on my blackberry reflecting in my blog, while an older lady is sitting entirely too close to me (when there is plenty of space in this sauna) and breathing real hard.

I just can't today!

Funny how we point out other's idocrasies when we don't realize...we do the same thing!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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