Sunday, November 7, 2010

Look, Ma! I'm a Blogger Now.

It only took me two hours of feeling frustrated, not being able to sleep, and a bad movie (actually two) from Redbox to create my very first blog at 2:41 am.

What do I hope to gain from this blogging thing? A new way to express myself. Self-reflection on the good and bad. An opportunity to make myself laugh, and you. Or maybe not, if you don't find me funny. Obviously, I want my words to be heard. Hear your opinions too, regardless if you agree with me or not.

In The Diaries of Little Retta, I promise not be afraid to speak my mind. I will not cuss up a storm. I will not get ugly before 2 pm. I will keep the content written appropriate (to my standards). I will not shout out or call-out names, unless you ask me to do it. I will post faithfully six days a week (this will become a lie at a later date).

What have I already noticed from typing this blog? All the frustration I was feeling 50 minutes ago is gone. Writing here feels much better than ranting through a status on Facebook. Only better because it is now my version of a personalized Twitter (since I am anti).


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