Sorry for being MIA on here my good people!
I moved to Seoul ten days ago and have been pretty busy getting acclimated to the area.
I am extremely homesick but I am really starting to love it here!
Here are a few pictures that I took so far!
Check out my new blog on everything related to my life here, travels, Seoul, and Asia at Retta's Heart and Seoul!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
DEM stands for Dale Edwin Murray who happens to be a freelance Illustrator / Graphic Designer based out of London, England.
He created designs for well known corporations like Toyota and Microsoft, and produced print work for several magazines.
In his down time, he creates a unique collection of Hip Hop portraits of famous rap artists. Here are some pieces from that collection:
The portraits that made me laugh were of Jay-Z and Flavor Flav's ugly selves, haha!
The rap artists who looked the most like themselves in these portraits are Rick Ross, 2Pac, and Snoop. Not that I didn't believe the others looked like themselves, because they do. But I felt like those specific portraits had the shape of their heads and facial features replicated down to a T.
You can browse DEM's work on his website or on his blog.
I love coming across Graphic Artists with cool illustrations on the Web!
The concept of an illustration never gets old because someone new always comes along to put their own spin on it.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Draya Michele
My blog receives on average 18 hits a day on who is possibly the most hated Basketball Wives Reality Star!
Most of the hits were from people who wanted basic information on her. While other were inquiring about who is the father of her child, her arrest, and her modeling photos.
Kind of crazy.
It's a large amount of inquiries for a person who virtually appeared on the scene a few months ago.
I think the fascination over the stripper turned reality star has everything to do with her being cast in Basketball Wives LA and being charged with a child neglect case.
Here's the thing though.
Whether you like her or not.
She is getting more press than the other Basketball Wives LA. It's like the more hated she becomes on the show, the more popular her name is on the Web.
Word on the Web is that her child's father is a drug dealer and/or is locked up in prison. Her mother helped raise her son. She was a stripper at a club in Philadelphia too.
So, she hasn't exactly been living the life of a 'Huxtable Kid' from The Cosby Show.
Not sure how she is handling all the shade being thrown at her, but I imagine it can't be easy.
I am not saying that she didn't deserve the ridicule she received for neglecting her son. Because any mother who neglects their child deserves it.
But what I am saying?
At the end of the day, she is still a human being who makes mistakes. Just like everyone else.
She just made a really bad one.
Not to mention, being linked to the likes of Chris Brown who beat up Rihanna did not help her situation.
I've been watching Basketball Wives LA religiously and there were two specific episodes that struck a cord for me.
In one episode, one of the Basketball 'Ex-Fiances' meets with Draya to reveal that she knows about her child neglect case. Then Draya basically denied the allegations of her son being taken away from her.
There's a gray area here. Because I do not believe she denied being arrested for the charges. She only denied her son being taken away from her - meaning her son was back in her physical custody.
But who knows what was really said before editing on the show?
It appeared as though the Basketball Ex-Fiance believed what Draya told her though. Which is that the arrest allegations were not true. The report made about her arrest was a lie. They were trying to paint a bad picture of her because of her connection to Chris Brown...yada yada.
But nothing from the report was a lie.
She was arrested and her son was removed from her custody temporarily.
In another episode, the women were at what appeared to be a therapy session called a Passion Party, and each one of them had to pick a word to describe each other.
And well, one of the Basketball Wives (who has a laundry list of issues over her ex-fiance) used the word "worthless" to describe Draya.
I was shocked when I heard that word. Then the camera focused in on the look on Draya's face.
Sista Girl put on a good front! But I don't care what anyone says, her feelings had to be hurt.
The look on her face said it all.
I thought it was heartless. Ugly. Uncalled for. Nasty. Hurtful. Just completely out of line to say that!
I don't believe anyone has the right to tell another human being they are worthless.
It's one thing to call someone out their name. Tell someone they are 'acting' a way.
But to tell someone they are less than their worth? Is wrong on so many different levels!
I made quite a few comments about her child neglect case, like I am sure many people did as well.
But at no point, should any of us being judging her worth!
No. She hasn't been well suited to have a baby, just like many other women who have no business birthing children.
And, no. She probably shouldn't have custody of her son either.
But she does have custody of him, and she obviously isn't the best mother. But she is still his mother at the end of the day. She's young. Troubled. Flawed even.
But worthless?
Um, no.
That's taking it too far.
Even the most hated woman in the country, Casey Anthony, isn't worthless.
She's just one terrible individual who will pay for actions for the rest of her life. So. Everyone should leave that one alone too.
My personal take on Draya?
She's ghetto. Arrogant. Extremely guarded. Not a bad person. Puts up a good front like she doesn't care what anyone says. Appears intimidated. Seems to have a few groupie tendencies, but not a lot. Doesn't appear as thirsty for the lime light as I originally thought. Acts a lot younger than 25 too. But then again, maybe I am just old? Hmm. Because I really don't remember how you act at 25 anymore.
But regardless of what any of us think, she has become quite the household name.
And, well.
We all know how scandals and reality shows worked out for Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian.
Just saying.
Most of the hits were from people who wanted basic information on her. While other were inquiring about who is the father of her child, her arrest, and her modeling photos.
Kind of crazy.
It's a large amount of inquiries for a person who virtually appeared on the scene a few months ago.
I think the fascination over the stripper turned reality star has everything to do with her being cast in Basketball Wives LA and being charged with a child neglect case.
Here's the thing though.
Whether you like her or not.
She is getting more press than the other Basketball Wives LA. It's like the more hated she becomes on the show, the more popular her name is on the Web.
Word on the Web is that her child's father is a drug dealer and/or is locked up in prison. Her mother helped raise her son. She was a stripper at a club in Philadelphia too.
So, she hasn't exactly been living the life of a 'Huxtable Kid' from The Cosby Show.
Not sure how she is handling all the shade being thrown at her, but I imagine it can't be easy.
I am not saying that she didn't deserve the ridicule she received for neglecting her son. Because any mother who neglects their child deserves it.
But what I am saying?
At the end of the day, she is still a human being who makes mistakes. Just like everyone else.
She just made a really bad one.
Not to mention, being linked to the likes of Chris Brown who beat up Rihanna did not help her situation.
I've been watching Basketball Wives LA religiously and there were two specific episodes that struck a cord for me.
In one episode, one of the Basketball 'Ex-Fiances' meets with Draya to reveal that she knows about her child neglect case. Then Draya basically denied the allegations of her son being taken away from her.
There's a gray area here. Because I do not believe she denied being arrested for the charges. She only denied her son being taken away from her - meaning her son was back in her physical custody.
But who knows what was really said before editing on the show?
It appeared as though the Basketball Ex-Fiance believed what Draya told her though. Which is that the arrest allegations were not true. The report made about her arrest was a lie. They were trying to paint a bad picture of her because of her connection to Chris Brown...yada yada.
But nothing from the report was a lie.
She was arrested and her son was removed from her custody temporarily.
In another episode, the women were at what appeared to be a therapy session called a Passion Party, and each one of them had to pick a word to describe each other.
And well, one of the Basketball Wives (who has a laundry list of issues over her ex-fiance) used the word "worthless" to describe Draya.
I was shocked when I heard that word. Then the camera focused in on the look on Draya's face.
Sista Girl put on a good front! But I don't care what anyone says, her feelings had to be hurt.
The look on her face said it all.
I thought it was heartless. Ugly. Uncalled for. Nasty. Hurtful. Just completely out of line to say that!
I don't believe anyone has the right to tell another human being they are worthless.
It's one thing to call someone out their name. Tell someone they are 'acting' a way.
But to tell someone they are less than their worth? Is wrong on so many different levels!
I made quite a few comments about her child neglect case, like I am sure many people did as well.
But at no point, should any of us being judging her worth!
No. She hasn't been well suited to have a baby, just like many other women who have no business birthing children.
And, no. She probably shouldn't have custody of her son either.
But she does have custody of him, and she obviously isn't the best mother. But she is still his mother at the end of the day. She's young. Troubled. Flawed even.
But worthless?
Um, no.
That's taking it too far.
Even the most hated woman in the country, Casey Anthony, isn't worthless.
She's just one terrible individual who will pay for actions for the rest of her life. So. Everyone should leave that one alone too.
My personal take on Draya?
She's ghetto. Arrogant. Extremely guarded. Not a bad person. Puts up a good front like she doesn't care what anyone says. Appears intimidated. Seems to have a few groupie tendencies, but not a lot. Doesn't appear as thirsty for the lime light as I originally thought. Acts a lot younger than 25 too. But then again, maybe I am just old? Hmm. Because I really don't remember how you act at 25 anymore.
But regardless of what any of us think, she has become quite the household name.
And, well.
We all know how scandals and reality shows worked out for Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian.
Just saying.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Type A's
Are killing me.
Scaring me.
Stressing me out.
Type A's is an abbreviation for the people I am referring to; men with Type A personalities. To learn more about their characteristics read this.
I don't know what it is about me and Type A's but I cannot get away from them.
I actually told the one I befriended this summer that too. He laughed and said, "Oh, you mean guys like me?" I shook my head, "Yes," with a visible side eye.
I still can't figure out why he thinks this shit is so funny? Because it's not. Mingling with one is a big mistake waiting to happen for a laid back individual like myself.
But anyway.
I made it clear to him and everyone else that I am not interested in dating because I'm leaving for Korea.
*Now even though it's important to be honest. Don't do what I did. Keep this sort of information to yourself. Men will pursue you more in hopes of a possible fling because you are unavailable.
My line about leaving for Korea though, is only partially true. There is another reason for my lack of interest, and it happens to be that I am in fact in l-o-v-e with this man.
I won't go there today though, or possibly ever.
What I will go there about?
How I say that I am not interested, but then you are planning dates. And, on top of planning dates, giving me deadlines. Talking about, "6 pm, let me know."
Wait, huh?
Let you know what by 6 pm?
I didn't realize we planned anything!
All I said is I MIGHT be in DC on Thursday or Friday dealing with the Korean Embassy, but I was not sure. Then he responds with, "Great! We'll go to dinner and a movie. 6 pm, let me know."
When he wrote that, I felt this overwhelming feeling of being stressed out. Then I got really pissed off that I felt that way!
I did not sign up for any of this!
A dinner and a movie sounds a lot like a date to me too. I am so confused!
But you see! This is how Type A's get you. You think you're having a normal 'friend' conversation about possibly hanging out with your 'new' friend. Then all of a sudden you're planning dinner dates. And movie dates. And jogging dates. And let's just hang at my place on Friday dates!
I cannot deal.
I am leaving the country and I am freaking the hell out!
Plus, I'm too nice and I can't hurt nice guys' feelings. I can only do it to Assholes, because I could care less about their shitty feelings. They could eat a bowl of dicks and choke on it for all I care.
But I won't ever be mean to nice guys, like him.
If you act mean to a nice guy? You're an evil bitch. Because we all know, it doesn't take much for them to become jaded and hate us. Then you are responsible for turning them into an asshole. An asshole they'll most likely be for the rest of their life. The same asshole we all like to complain about on a daily basis too.
And, well.
I won't be held responsible for any of that!
Matter of fact, if I weren't leaving the country or in love with another guy?
I would probably date him against my better judgement, and be quite happy with my decision too. I know how to deal with someone with anal retentive tendencies, a ridiculous schedule, control issues, and a cute little Capitol Hill job.
He's like the next Barack Obama for Christ's sake!
But I am a mess right now.
I just want to hide. Finish packing up all my shit in boxes. Drink the nasty dry wine in my refrigerator and watch TV later on. None of this should be that serious in life. But like my girlfriend said earlier today, "You're a nice bitch."
*tip toes into hiding.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Male Strippers Are Hookers
This is no exaggeration and it scares me.
Doesn't this picture say it all?
His name is Forbidden and my name is No Thank You! Funny how both of our names have three syllables, right?
If you were wondering why I am writing about strippers, it's not because I came from a strip club or even dated one.
It's because I found $25 in singles in my shirt pocket, while packing boxes earlier. And although finding this money made me happy, I cringed at the fact that it was stripper tip money aka male prostitution whore money.
My high school friend (also known as a big goofy pretend pimp-on-the-weekend) handed it me to throw at male strippers at a private party. A party, might I add, that I have been trying to erase from my memory for over a year. Not working. Well, anyway! So I took the $25 in singles and told him, "Hell, no! I'm hungry. I'll be using this money later," stuffed it in my shirt pocket, crossed my arms, and gave him my 'bitch, please' look. He wasn't too happy about it, but he got over it. Then handed more money out to other women to throw to thestrippers male hookers.
So, this post was basically a reaction to finding hooker money in my shirt pocket, combined with picture texts received from a malestripper prostitute a couple weeks ago.
Before I continue with this story. I ask that you do not hold any of this against me. I met him at this privatestripper sex party. A party by the way, he wasn't stripping at. Or at least I thought so?
But whatever.
I cant be held responsible for remembering stuff that I try to erase from my memory!
All I know is the male stripper sent me pictures of him and his stripper friends in compromising positions. One had a thing on his penis. The other didn't have anything on it at all. Matter of fact, a woman was touching it. The others were just scary.
I don't even want to talk about the scary ones.
*Just think low budget films
My final conclusion: male strippers are definitely hookers, only worse. Because let's face the facts here.
There is nothing wrong with a stripper, unless you are a male stripper. They're like a completely different animal out here in the wild. They lack tact that even the most devious female stripper possesses. So, we have to take a step down and evaluate the next female kind they are equivalent to: female hooker. But even women hookers have standards, that male strippers simply do not.
A female hooker will make you pay cash to sleep with her.
A male stripper will have sex with you in exchange for Polly-O String Cheese and an Push-Up Pop, because they stay hungry for snacks and sex.
Begging a male stripper for sex is like, begging a cashier to PLEASE keep the change made from your one hundred dollar bill.
It's super easy to do.
A male stripper at a private party will show you his penis. Emulate sexual acts on top of you. Put his face in your private part. Swing his thing at you. And basically do any other inappropriate thing you can imagine a stripper crossing the line doing to a victim.
I say victim because that's what you are upon being attacked by their oily satanic bodies.
Stay away from a male stripper with chains wrapped around his body.
Stay away from a male stripper who is dresses as a Pharaoh.
Stay away from a male stripper with chaps on.
Stay away from a stripper who pussy pops.
Stay away from male stripper who looks like a skinny woman too, he could be transitioning.
Just stay away!!!
These men have sex with anyone at private parties. Go down on random women. Pretend not to be strippers and obtain your contact information **cough. Do all types of nasty sexual acts that would require a Doctor to check for STDs in less common areas like toes and ears for infection
Just keeping it real. 100 all day, Baby!
I got the 4-1-1, Hon.
So much 4-1-1. I know enough to stay away from them. They ain't picking me up. Dry humping me. Gyrating on me. Luring me in. Not kissing me anywhere on my body.
Don't care if it's an elbow.
It's not happening!
I learned my lesson after being around them. That is all I have to say. Carry along now!
Doesn't this picture say it all?
His name is Forbidden and my name is No Thank You! Funny how both of our names have three syllables, right?
If you were wondering why I am writing about strippers, it's not because I came from a strip club or even dated one.
It's because I found $25 in singles in my shirt pocket, while packing boxes earlier. And although finding this money made me happy, I cringed at the fact that it was stripper tip money aka male prostitution whore money.
My high school friend (also known as a big goofy pretend pimp-on-the-weekend) handed it me to throw at male strippers at a private party. A party, might I add, that I have been trying to erase from my memory for over a year. Not working. Well, anyway! So I took the $25 in singles and told him, "Hell, no! I'm hungry. I'll be using this money later," stuffed it in my shirt pocket, crossed my arms, and gave him my 'bitch, please' look. He wasn't too happy about it, but he got over it. Then handed more money out to other women to throw to the
So, this post was basically a reaction to finding hooker money in my shirt pocket, combined with picture texts received from a male
Before I continue with this story. I ask that you do not hold any of this against me. I met him at this private
But whatever.
I cant be held responsible for remembering stuff that I try to erase from my memory!
All I know is the male stripper sent me pictures of him and his stripper friends in compromising positions. One had a thing on his penis. The other didn't have anything on it at all. Matter of fact, a woman was touching it. The others were just scary.
I don't even want to talk about the scary ones.
*Just think low budget films
My final conclusion: male strippers are definitely hookers, only worse. Because let's face the facts here.
There is nothing wrong with a stripper, unless you are a male stripper. They're like a completely different animal out here in the wild. They lack tact that even the most devious female stripper possesses. So, we have to take a step down and evaluate the next female kind they are equivalent to: female hooker. But even women hookers have standards, that male strippers simply do not.
A female hooker will make you pay cash to sleep with her.
A male stripper will have sex with you in exchange for Polly-O String Cheese and an Push-Up Pop, because they stay hungry for snacks and sex.
Begging a male stripper for sex is like, begging a cashier to PLEASE keep the change made from your one hundred dollar bill.
It's super easy to do.
A male stripper at a private party will show you his penis. Emulate sexual acts on top of you. Put his face in your private part. Swing his thing at you. And basically do any other inappropriate thing you can imagine a stripper crossing the line doing to a victim.
I say victim because that's what you are upon being attacked by their oily satanic bodies.
Stay away from a male stripper with chains wrapped around his body.
Stay away from a male stripper who is dresses as a Pharaoh.
Stay away from a male stripper with chaps on.
Stay away from a stripper who pussy pops.
Stay away from male stripper who looks like a skinny woman too, he could be transitioning.
Just stay away!!!
These men have sex with anyone at private parties. Go down on random women. Pretend not to be strippers and obtain your contact information **cough. Do all types of nasty sexual acts that would require a Doctor to check for STDs in less common areas like toes and ears for infection
Just keeping it real. 100 all day, Baby!
I got the 4-1-1, Hon.
So much 4-1-1. I know enough to stay away from them. They ain't picking me up. Dry humping me. Gyrating on me. Luring me in. Not kissing me anywhere on my body.
Don't care if it's an elbow.
It's not happening!
I learned my lesson after being around them. That is all I have to say. Carry along now!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Troy Davis Isn't the Only One
In light of the execution of Troy Davis, more sad execution stories keep emerging in the news.
The story I learned today is about George Junius Stinney Jr. in the picture below.
He was born in 1929 and executed in a South Carolina prison during 1944 at fourteen years old six months and five days.
Can you imagine for a second?
He could have been my baby. Your baby. A friend's baby. Any person's baby that was executed for a crime he did not commit.
Jeffrey Collins of the Bluffton Post reported, "Stinney was accused of killing two white girls 11 year old Betty June Binnicker and 8 year old Mary Emma Thames by beating them with a railroad spike then dragging their bodies to a ditch near Acolu, about five miles from Manning in central South Carolina. The girls were found a day after they disappeared following a massive manhunt. Stinney was arrested a few hours later, white men in suits taking him away. Because of the risk of a lynching, Stinney was kept at a jail 50 miles away in Columbia. His father, who had helped look for the girls, was fired immediately and ordered to leave his home and the sawmill where he worked. His family was told to leave town prior to the trial to avoid further retribution. An atmosphere of lynch mob hysteria hung over the courthouse. Without family visits, the 14 year old had to endure the trial and death alone."
The story I learned today is about George Junius Stinney Jr. in the picture below.
He was born in 1929 and executed in a South Carolina prison during 1944 at fourteen years old six months and five days.
Can you imagine for a second?
He could have been my baby. Your baby. A friend's baby. Any person's baby that was executed for a crime he did not commit.
Jeffrey Collins of the Bluffton Post reported, "Stinney was accused of killing two white girls 11 year old Betty June Binnicker and 8 year old Mary Emma Thames by beating them with a railroad spike then dragging their bodies to a ditch near Acolu, about five miles from Manning in central South Carolina. The girls were found a day after they disappeared following a massive manhunt. Stinney was arrested a few hours later, white men in suits taking him away. Because of the risk of a lynching, Stinney was kept at a jail 50 miles away in Columbia. His father, who had helped look for the girls, was fired immediately and ordered to leave his home and the sawmill where he worked. His family was told to leave town prior to the trial to avoid further retribution. An atmosphere of lynch mob hysteria hung over the courthouse. Without family visits, the 14 year old had to endure the trial and death alone."
At fourteen years old he was escorted to the electric chair by guards with a bible in his hand. He was so small, only 5' 1" and 95 pounds that the electric chair straps didn’t fit his body. The electrode was too big for his legs as well.
Witnesses recap the story of his execution, describing an adult size death mask covering his face. When the switch was pulled, the mask fell from his face. Revealing tears that streamed from his eyes during his death.
*Hearing this part of the story made me cry.
He is said to be the youngest person executed in the United States in the past century. However, it is possible that his death was the only one recorded in the books.
These stories eat me up inside!
Why would a 14 year old black boy kill 2 little white girls in South Carolina during the 1940s? And how could a boy who only weighs 95 pounds drag both of their bodies five miles away from the murder scene?
Let me tell you what I learned from my grandmother who was born in Birmingham, Alabama in 1934. As a child she watched so many black adults and children in her town get lynched. Every black child in her town was afraid to be near a white person. They lived in fear of a white person spitting on them, yelling derogatory terms at them, and being accused of doing something they did not do. My grandmother and other black people in her town saw it happen so many times.
They believed white people were devils in Birmingham. And in her case? Imagining what she saw white people do to other black people in town, I honestly cannot blame her.
Anyone who can kill black boys without mercy. Rape little black girls and throw them away like garbage. Beat a man to death, urinate on him, and then hang him by a tree, and all because of the color of their skin.
Must be the devil in disguise.
Must be the devil in disguise.
With that said, can you really believe a 14 year old black boy in South Carolina would murder two white girls?
Of, course not.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Love, Cortnie Clutches
In celebration of DC Fashion Week, I attended a fashion show yesterday at a place called Dirty Bar with a group of friends. Then ran into an old friend of mine! Looking chic classic and edgy in a white blazer and peach colored lipstick toting one of her own creations, a Love, Cortnie clutch.
Funny thing about this post.
I told her, like I was so damn sure about myself, that I wrote a blog about her clutches the other day....remembering seconds later that I hadn't completed and published it.
I had two drinks without eating much that day, I was trippin'!
But the fact that I started writing about her clutches a few days ago, and then saw her out last night. Is very funny! Because I haven't seen her in over a year.
I felt like that was a sign for me to get back on here, and finish this post.
My favorites clutches are the tan/white, abstract shapes with red/gray/black, and the zebra print!
Seeing my friend with the leopard print one makes me want that one too. It looks really good with white and red.
I'll be ordering a few when Mama has money.
You can order any of her clutches online for $45 at Etsy. You can also check out her fashion blog Stylelusts and like her on Facebook.
Funny thing about this post.
I told her, like I was so damn sure about myself, that I wrote a blog about her clutches the other day....remembering seconds later that I hadn't completed and published it.
I had two drinks without eating much that day, I was trippin'!
But the fact that I started writing about her clutches a few days ago, and then saw her out last night. Is very funny! Because I haven't seen her in over a year.
I felt like that was a sign for me to get back on here, and finish this post.
All of the Love, Cortnie clutches have a earthy, but chic look to them. I think the texture of each makes them truly unique too. The measurements are 11 x 9 inches.
So there's plenty of room in these babies! She makes each of them by hand, so the pattern may vary a bit on another clutch.
So there's plenty of room in these babies! She makes each of them by hand, so the pattern may vary a bit on another clutch.
My favorites clutches are the tan/white, abstract shapes with red/gray/black, and the zebra print!
Seeing my friend with the leopard print one makes me want that one too. It looks really good with white and red.
I'll be ordering a few when Mama has money.
You can order any of her clutches online for $45 at Etsy. You can also check out her fashion blog Stylelusts and like her on Facebook.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Go the Fuck to Sleep
Parents, are you searching for a book to help you cope with putting the Tater Tots to sleep every night? Look no further! Go the Fuck to Sleep is here to save the day.
Too funny!!!
How does an author come up with the idea to create such a book?
For Adam Mansbach, it started with failed efforts to get his 2 year old daughter Vivienne to fall asleep; paired with a sarcastic status message on Facebook that read, "Look out for my forthcoming children's book, 'Go the Fuck to Sleep.'"
Due to the overwhelming responses to his status, he began a collection of verses written in PDF form that were bootlegged and emailed to booksellers.
Who said bootlegging wasn't beneficial?
In a strange turn of events, his thirty-two page book illustrated by his friend was actually published by a small Brooklyn publishing house. Reached number one on Amazon's bestseller list beating out Tina Fey and Steven Tyler's memoirs. All occurring before it's publication date and hitting the shelf.
A small excerpt from the book reads:
"The cats nestle close to their kittens now.
The lambs have laid down with the sheep.
You’re cozy and warm in your bed, my dear
Please go the fuck to sleep."
The lambs have laid down with the sheep.
You’re cozy and warm in your bed, my dear
Please go the fuck to sleep."
Too funny!!!
Something even more wild about this book?
Samuel L. Jackson narrates the audio version of it!
Isn't that something?
On the audio version his voice is said to reflect 'a range of emotions and inflections' covering his cool man swag seen in his movies.
Of, course there are Christian groups out there flipping their shit over it. Encouraging booksellers not to sell the book and what not. Which is hilarious because if it wasn't created in the form of a childrens book with illustrations. The whole thing wouldn't be such a big deal. It's not like this going to be placed in the children section of a bookstore either.
Booksellers know better.
Guess there was always be that small group of haters looking for an opportunity to flex their muscles and exercise their vocals though.
You can purchase Go the Fuck to Sleep for $8.97 on Amazon.
As you can see from the pictures below, these Amazon customers are on Quota for having their Tater Tots pose with their book.
I swear, Boy!
Haha! These folks must be trying to win Worst Parent of the Year awards! But who am I to judge? I'd probably pose my Tater Tot up against that book too. Smh!
I swear, Boy!
Haha! These folks must be trying to win Worst Parent of the Year awards! But who am I to judge? I'd probably pose my Tater Tot up against that book too. Smh!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Gold Name Plate Necklaces
One of my loyal readers and favorite people inspired me to write this post :) She told me that my B-Boy Sneakers post inspired her to search for a name plate necklace and one of those cute little boombox necklaces.
After she mentioned it I thought to myself, "Oh, yaahhh! Forgot about how cute those name plate necklaces are!"
Then I began my new mission on finding the cutest and cheapest nameplates and boombox pieces online.
My Hip Hop Bling offers the boombox pendant for only $20. Many other similar websites offer them too for as little as $8.
Supermarket offers another version of the boombox pendant in real gold for $57. This one is my favorite!
The Ron Dotson boombox necklace made in peweter with silver plating can be purchased here for $290.
For those interested more in the nameplates. On Soul Jewelry's website they offer diamond name plate necklaces for the uber affordable price of $600. Ha!
They also customize regular gold name plates and ones with hearts and stars as well for $140.
JC Penny will customize one for you too for $170. This could be a good option for those who would rather buy inside a store than online.
If you would rather go for a cheaper nameplate. One that is sterling silver with a 14 karat gold overlay or just sterling silver. You can buy one from Limoges Jewelry for $40.
If you don't want to order online and you want something more affordable. Zales offers a sterling silver with 14 karat gold overlay name plate for $68.
If you are looking for a nameplate more unique. You can purchase a Korean one written in Hangul from a store on Etsy for $31. It is of course 14 karat gold overlay or silver, but still cute nonetheless.
You can also order a Arabic nameplate like the one Kanye has around his neck for $170 here.
I remember wanting a nameplate necklace so bad in high school for birthdays and Christmas, but never got one. Partly, because no one in family ever knew where to buy an authentic looking one. Which I completely understood. Plus, I wasn't interested in one of the cheesy wiry name necklaces sold at the jewelry kiosks in the mall.
Then Freshmen year of college one of my Arabic friends from Oman gave me a gold nameplate with my name in Arabic for Christmas. One of the best gifts ever too!
Then Freshmen year of college one of my Arabic friends from Oman gave me a gold nameplate with my name in Arabic for Christmas. One of the best gifts ever too!
My girlfriend has me wanting one of the old school ones now!
I hope these websites were helpful!
If you would rather not buy it, forward this post to someone who will get it for you! Heh heh.
Do You Know Your Nude Beach Etiquette?
Before I begin this post, if you are wondering how or why people get into hitting up nude beaches?
Not really sure.
I started going because my mother would sun bathe on them back to my childhood.
Only recently though, did I feel comfortable enough in my own skin to go completely nude.
Let me tell you!
There is something extremely liberating about sun bathing on a nude beach. To best describe the feeling, it's like being repressed by shackles and whips like Kunte Kinte and then being set free to run a muck on the beach.
I know it sounds extreme, but it's true.
I encourage everyone to go to a nude beach at least one time in your life. Whether alone or with someone....on a crowded beach or a secluded one. Just try it and see how you feel.
If you decide to go, there are certain rules to follow that are considered proper etiquette on nude beaches.
Rule #1 - You cannot gawk at other people on the beach.
It's a beach, not Luke's Peep Show.
This means all the time too. Not when you think, they're not looking. Because chances are...they're on the look out for creepy people staring at them.
Story: every time my girlfriend and I got up from our beach towels to get into the water....the creepiest old guy would prop himself up on his towel and watch us walk to the ocean. Then we were back on our towels, he would lie back down again. Can we say creepy? Yes! Don't do it.
*The minute one gets up from their towel is considered fair game to stare......if you're creepy.
Rule #2 - Do not take pictures on a nude beach. Even if the pictures are focused only on you and your friends. This is considered a big no no. There are too many shady individuals who like to snap pictures and videos of nude people bathing. Then sell them on the Web.
*Something to keep in mind: Beachgoers can't tell if your lens are directed at them or not. So, just keep your camera in your bag. Then you can avoid being attacked by people like my mother who will approach you and cuss you out for snapping pictures with them in the backdrop.
Rule #3 - Do not walk over to people laying on their towels to start conversations. Or follow them to the ocean to have a conversation either. Unless they smile and wave at you to approach them. I have yet to see anyone be that friendly on a nude beach.
Story: once I stood in ice cold ocean water for about 20 minutes trying to wait for an old white man to walk back to his spot on the beach. I wanted to come out of the water without being greeted by him at the was uncomfortable and irritating. Making small talk the minute, I emerged from the water was aggressive and weird. So give people space on the beach.
*If you wouldn't talk to them with their clothes on, don't talk to them with their clothes off.
Rule #4 - Do not practice yoga, karate, or any other acrobatic activity on a nude beach. It is rude to flash your vajayjay when you're doing the Downward Dog in the sand. Not to mention that it's gross. You are being a show off. Your poses are not only distracting, but they're blocking our sun and view of the ocean water too.
Another thing, stop smoking so much damn weed. Lay your ass down on that towel and go to sleep!
*The beach is suppose to be a relaxing time.
Rule #5 - Do not have sex or fondle your significant other on a nude beach. Nobody wants to see all that! Get a room. If we want to watch porno we can order it on Pay-Per-View. On the beach we just want to enjoy the sun and eliminate tan lines. Not listen to your moaning or see any groping.
Rule # 6 - Do not bring your pubescent children to the nude beach with you. We would rather not watch your 11 year old son walk by us with an erect penis....smiling.
Thanks to you.
Your son has probably graduated from an innocent boy to a sex addict or predator because of his day perusing the nude beach.
*It's not an appropriate place for young children. Keep them at home.
Rule # 7 - Be proud of your body. When you start to feel self-conscious about your stomach or stretch most women do. Remember that the old people on the beach have way more flaws than you, and are still proud of their bodies...and the fact that they are breathing and alive.
Rule # 8 - Be friendly and respectful by following these rules and etiquette.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
B-Boy Sneakers
A couple years ago, my girlfriend lived in Harlem next to a sneaker store to the right of her apartment building. I passed it so many times on my way inside her place. I suggested to her that we go inside one day and buy a pair of B-Boy sneaks.
She agreed since we considered ourselves pretty cool and fly, but somehow we never got around to doing it.
Recently, I took an interest in B-Boy sneaks again.
Specifically, the high tops. I started off window shopping...then tried on a couple pairs of Nike Dunk High sand Nike Dunk High Skinnys with mid shin length spandex and another time with skinny jeans. I liked them with both styles that I had on.
After browsing a couple of sneaker stores for the right pair of Nike Dunk Highs, I decided to search for a more individualized pair to suit my personal style online.
Then found the perfect pair:
They are the perfect amount of girly for me. The suede makes them more feminine. Plus, I love the color gray because it's neutral and clean. I like that the multi-colored print isn't overbearing too and the tan sole gives them a unique touch. This sneaker purchase is now my fourth. Sigh. But I figured that I would need plenty of comfy walking shoes to explore Seoul.
Now that it's cold outside, or so my body thinks so.
I decided to pull them out of the box and wear them. I probably should have gotten a darker colored pair since it's almost Fall. But I still like them. And I can always find a pair more suited for Winter later anyway.
Now that it's cold outside, or so my body thinks so.
I decided to pull them out of the box and wear them. I probably should have gotten a darker colored pair since it's almost Fall. But I still like them. And I can always find a pair more suited for Winter later anyway.
Here are some other really cool styles:

*deep sigh
You can purchase any of these Nike Dunk High styles from
If you haven't heard much of Nike Dunk Highs before this post. You should know that they were originally worn by men who played basketball. And now, everyone wears them. Kids, teenagers, and women. They're pretty much ingrained within Hip Hop and skateboarding culture. They are considered a lifestyle sneaker or street shoe.
Anyone who likes a funky sneaker should own a pair!
I am 30 years old and my B-Boy sneaks make me feel like a little big cool kid.
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