Thursday, September 22, 2011

Go the Fuck to Sleep

Parents, are you searching for a book to help you cope with putting the Tater Tots to sleep every night? Look no further! Go the Fuck to Sleep is here to save the day.

How does an author come up with the idea to create such a book? 

For Adam Mansbach, it started with failed efforts to get his 2 year old daughter Vivienne to fall asleep; paired with a sarcastic status message on Facebook that read, "Look out for my forthcoming children's book, 'Go the Fuck to Sleep.'" 

Due to the overwhelming responses to his status, he began a collection of verses written in PDF form that were bootlegged and emailed to booksellers. 

Who said bootlegging wasn't beneficial?

In a strange turn of events, his thirty-two page book illustrated by his friend was actually published by a small Brooklyn publishing house. Reached number one on Amazon's bestseller list beating out Tina Fey and Steven Tyler's memoirs. All occurring before it's publication date and hitting the shelf.

A small excerpt from the book reads:
"The cats nestle close to their kittens now.
The lambs have laid down with the sheep.
You’re cozy and warm in your bed, my dear
Please go the fuck to sleep."

Too funny!!!

Something even more wild about this book? 

Samuel L. Jackson narrates the audio version of it! 

Isn't that something? 

On the audio version his voice is said to reflect 'a range of emotions and inflections' covering his cool man swag seen in his movies.

Of, course there are Christian groups out there flipping their shit over it. Encouraging booksellers not to sell the book and what not. Which is hilarious because if it wasn't created in the form of a childrens book with illustrations. The whole thing wouldn't be such a big deal. It's not like this going to be placed in the children section of a bookstore either. 

Booksellers know better.

Guess there was always be that small group of haters looking for an opportunity to flex their muscles and exercise their vocals though.

You can purchase Go the Fuck to Sleep for $8.97 on Amazon.

As you can see from the pictures below, these Amazon customers are on Quota for having their Tater Tots pose with their book.

I swear, Boy!

Haha! These folks must be trying to win Worst Parent of the Year awards! But who am I to judge? I'd probably pose my Tater Tot up against that book too. Smh!

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