Friday, September 2, 2011

Tips, Bro!

I found a website called brotips filled with pretty hilarious and truthful tips for all of us. They are pretty straight up too!

I imagine these tips were created by a cute white guy(s) named Billy or Dan who is in his mid-thirties and likes to stay hip with these Bro tips.

I created a collection of my favorite tips from the website:

Replacement for Brotip #795.

Replacement for Brotip #171.

The last tip is so true about deleting ones number out of your phone. Haha! I did that one time. Got in a huge fight with a guy I dated off and on for years...then he texted me out of the blues...talking about "Hey, Retta. How are you? Then I responded, "who is this?" And he was all like, "Ohwa oh oh oh! That's messed up! You deleted me out of your phone?" I was so embarassed that all I could do was giggle. I mean it was a bit dramatic to delete him out of my phone. Like deleting his contact meant, I erased him from my life forever. Heh heh. Funny thing about it is that he later did it to me too. So! When I reached out to him to apologize for acting like a Diva Bitch! *I have my nice days. He had no idea that it was my number...when he called back!

And how did I react?

"Ohwa oh oh Ohwa!! That is so messed up! I can't believe you deleted me from your phone AND  Blackberry Messenger?" He enjoyed this too. He knew I was mocking him in the past.

There are so many freaking tips to browse on the website though. I wasn't able to read them all.

I am definitely going back to the website later though.

*If no one else reads these tips from the website. Men, you should! #justsayin

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