Thursday, September 29, 2011

Type A's

Are killing me.

Scaring me.

Stressing me out.

Type A's is an abbreviation for the people I am referring to; men with Type A personalities. To learn more about their characteristics read this.

I don't know what it is about me and Type A's but I cannot get away from them.

I actually told the one I befriended this summer that too. He laughed and said, "Oh, you mean guys like me?" I shook my head, "Yes," with a visible side eye.

I still can't figure out why he thinks this shit is so funny? Because it's not. Mingling with one is a big mistake waiting to happen for a laid back individual like myself.

But anyway.

I made it clear to him and everyone else that I am not interested in dating because I'm leaving for Korea.

*Now even though it's important to be honest. Don't do what I did. Keep this sort of information to yourself. Men will pursue you more in hopes of a possible fling because you are unavailable.

My line about leaving for Korea though, is only partially true. There is another reason for my lack of interest, and it happens to be that I am in fact in l-o-v-e with this man.

I won't go there today though, or possibly ever.

What I will go there about?

How I say that I am not interested, but then you are planning dates. And, on top of planning dates, giving me deadlines. Talking about, "6 pm, let me know."

Wait, huh?

Let you know what by 6 pm?

I didn't realize we planned anything!

All I said is I MIGHT be in DC on Thursday or Friday dealing with the Korean Embassy, but I was not sure. Then he responds with, "Great! We'll go to dinner and a movie. 6 pm, let me know."

When he wrote that, I felt this overwhelming feeling of being stressed out. Then I got really pissed off that I felt that way!

I did not sign up for any of this!

A dinner and a movie sounds a lot like a date to me too. I am so confused!

But you see! This is how Type A's get you. You think you're having a normal 'friend' conversation about possibly hanging out with your 'new' friend. Then all of a sudden you're planning dinner dates.  And movie dates. And jogging dates. And let's just hang at my place on Friday dates!

I cannot deal.

I am leaving the country and I am freaking the hell out!

Plus, I'm too nice and I can't hurt nice guys' feelings. I can only do it to Assholes, because I could care less about their shitty feelings. They could eat a bowl of dicks and choke on it for all I care.

But I won't ever be mean to nice guys, like him.


If you act mean to a nice guy? You're an evil bitch. Because we all know, it doesn't take much for them to become jaded and hate us. Then you are responsible for turning them into an asshole. An asshole they'll most likely be for the rest of their life. The same asshole we all like to complain about on a daily basis too.

And, well.

I won't be held responsible for any of that!

Matter of fact, if I weren't leaving the country or in love with another guy?

I would probably date him against my better judgement, and be quite happy with my decision too. I know how to deal with someone with anal retentive tendencies, a ridiculous schedule, control issues, and a cute little Capitol Hill job.

He's like the next Barack Obama for Christ's sake!

But I am a mess right now.

I just want to hide. Finish packing up all my shit in boxes. Drink the nasty dry wine in my refrigerator and watch TV later on. None of this should be that serious in life. But like my girlfriend said earlier today, "You're a nice bitch."


*tip toes into hiding.

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