Saturday, January 1, 2011

Let's Talk New Years Resolutions, Baby!

Every year I always come up with pretty easy and attainable New Years resolutions. They tend to be lame too.

Examples of my simple-minded resolutions from the past:

"I will to go to the gym everyday!"

"I will stop cussing."

"I will buy a Tom Tom."

"I will save money for something, I do not know what I am saving for."


For this new year, I want to focus on resolutions that will transform my entire life, spirit, and pathway.

The resolutions on my agenda include:

1) Learning how to accept my flaws, and in turn see the beauty in how they define my being. So that I may accept the flaws of others.

2) Learning what it means to struggle in order to appreciate what I have achieved and how much it means to me.

3) Learning to enjoy life in the present and worry less about the things, I cannot control in the future.

4) Reminding myself to thank God everyday for what I do have, instead of what I do not have in life.

5) Staying focused on my goals and my exact intentions for obtaining them.

6) Traveling to another country for mission work and become culturally aware of the condition of others.

7) Listening to what friends and family tell me because they are the ones that care the most about my well being.

8) Loving everyone hard! Even people who do not deserve love or forgiveness, i.e. - people like Diddy and Bush who make it impossible to love them.

9) Acting like a lady, but thinking like a man because Steve Harvey told me so.

10) Remembering to smile when I am feeling happy, sad, and uncertain because I am still alive and healthy! And in this day in age, knowing this is a good enough reason to smile.

Happy New Year!!!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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